T.FAT ERP – The reliable and cost friendly ERP solutionEnterprise Application

Established in the year 2007 at (Uttar Pradesh, India), “Micromatic Manufacturing Systems Private Limited” is engaged in the Manufacturer and Service Provider of Machine Enclosure, Laser Cutting Service, CNC Machine Coolant Tank, Precision Components and much more. This company manufacture sheet metal components with the latest CNC controlled machines to achieve the accuracies required by the Machine tool industry. Offered products are well known for their features such as corrosion resistance, easy installation, sturdiness, low maintenance, etc.


Micromatic Manufacturing wanted to implement ERP solution but were not able to identify a suitable ERP for their requirements. Client really needed help with the whole process of ERP selection and implementation partner selection.


7 dot 2 with its vast experience in the ERP area understood the key requirements of Micromatic Manufacturing and accordingly developed a checklist to evaluate ERP applications under consideration. 7 dot 2 had detailed review meetings and demo of the ERP solution, completed its evaluation and provided its recommendation. The evaluation was done on 4 broad parameter of Business Process Requirements, Technical Architecture, Security and Commercial offer. 7dot2 recommended T.FAT ERP Solution as it scored high on all the 4 broad parameters.


Micromatic manufacturing accepted and were impressed with the evaluation and recommendation. They got full clarity on the ERP evaluation process and were in complete agreement with the recommendations. The client has decided to initiate the ERP project after arranging for required funds and management approval.

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7 dot 2’s value proposition is immense. We get best in class IT support (wide spectrum) at very effective cost. This creates win win for both. Wish you continue maniacal customer focus and grow.

Mr. Navneet K Gupta
Designated CEO, C&C Constructions

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