Innovative IT solution involving Oracle NetSuiteEnterprise Applications

D.light is a global leader and pioneer in delivering affordable solar-powered solutions designed for the two billion people in the developing world without access to reliable energy. D.light provides distributed solar energy solutions for households and small businesses that are transforming the way people all over the world use and pay for energy. Through four hubs in Africa, China, South Asia and the United States, D.light has sold over 20 million solar light and power products in 70 countries, improving the lives of over 100 million people. d.light is dedicated to providing the most reliable, affordable and accessible solar lighting and power systems for the developing world.
DLight energy wanted to evaluate an integrated CRM system through categorization of Sales business process by business cycles. Dlight already had a home grown system, corporate tie up with Salesforce. However, enhancing the home grown system would have taken time compared to implementing a readymade solution. Hence, Dlight needed help in evaluating the options to address this business requirement.
We evaluated the business benefits of a combination of home grown system + Salesforce (some licenses were available) versus SaaS based solution like Oracle Netsuite. We conduced a technical evaluation of the SaaS architecture of Oracle Netsuite. Based on business benefits and technical capability of the solution , Oracle Netsuite was the recommended solution and was implemented by client.
Client had a clear comparison of technical architecture of the two options and business benefits including the commercials. Client has our recommendation that allowed them to make a conscious choice and address their business requirements.
7 dot 2’s value proposition is immense. We get best in class IT support (wide spectrum) at very effective cost. This creates win win for both. Wish you continue maniacal customer focus and grow.